Helping you unlock the power within yourself to live in harmony and alignment with your true essence

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  • Are you experiencing bouts of unhappiness, unworthiness or feel like you’ve lost yourself?
  • Are you concerned about your future and struggle to be positive?
  • Do you often feel a sense of dread or worry and have no idea why?
  • Do you feel lonely or isolated despite having friends and family close?
  • Are you are unsure of your purpose in life?
  • Do you feel like you don’t deserve to be in the job you’re in?
  • Or you dislike your job so much it’s beginning to affect your health?
  • Do you regulary self saboutage when you try to make positive changes? 
  • Are you misusing alcohol or drugs to cope with the demands of life?


Whatever it is that’s troubling you, Rapid Transformational Therapy can help you find direction, heal from trauma and start living life to the fullest.

About Me

I specialise in helping people of all ages break free from the grips of anxiety and depression, and regain control over their well-being.

I’m a certified Hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner (RTT) and through my guidance clients have experienced profound feelings of freedom, happiness and confidence.

We can’t create a new future while we’re living in our past. It’s simply impossible

- Dr Joe Dispenza

Your belief system is formed by perceptions from your upbringing, events, and the environment you live in. Your experiences in childhood contribute to your world view which are carried through to adulthood.


You may have already noticed parts of your personality show up emotionally or when you are triggered, and you react in ways you dislike. It’s not your fault, it’s just how your mind works.


90% of your daily thoughts come from your subconscious mind, of which develop from experiences linked to your past. They become familiar like a downloaded programme running on repreat over and over again.


To change the subconscious thoughts that are playing in the background, you’ll need to go in at the subconscious level. This brings the conscious mind and subconscious mind in harmony with each other, giving you the knowledge and power to overcome your problems.


Clients who I work with normally get results after the first session, or depending on the issue, it could take upto 3 sessions. Booking a call with me gives you more information of the best package for your needs.


Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) uses hypnotherapy, NLP, CBT, psychotherapy and neuroscience to identify the reason and root cause of your issue. Interrupting unwanted thought patterns at the subconscious level is quick and highly effective.


Results are experienced after the first session where many clients have expressed feeling lighter, more clarity, freedom, happiness and purpose.

Sessions can either be in-person or on online, so no matter where you are in the world you have access to Rapid Transformational Therapy.

What Clients Are Saying

RTT has taken away the negative platform that I was working from and helped me to start from a new platform, one of health and wholeness! It has been an amazing experience that has transformed my life.

Northampton UK

What you have done is nothing short of miraculous; you have helped me to regain my very best self and have the confidence to move back into the life I have been struggling to fit into.

Northampton UK

The outcome of RTT has given me a new outlook on how I can willingly incorporate my own version of exercise into my life on a regular basis. It has kick started my weight loss journey and I will forever be grateful for the lifestyle change it has facilitated.

Northampton UK

Rapid Transformational Therapy helped me to understand myself, my past and my experiences in ways that I had not realised before, which has really helped me in my everyday life to make longer lasting changes.

Northampton UK

I'm amazed how RTT allowed me to get to the core of my issue, delving into emotions I had shut myself off from, in such a short space of time. Sharon was truly caring through the whole process and empowered me to manage and reframe my anxieties.

Northampton UK

I listened to Sharon’s recordings every night in bed before sleep initially and couldn’t believe how quickly I changed in my daily life

Northampton UK

For the first time for as long as I can remember I was enjoying flying! I was able to have conversations with my family and others, look out the window, go to the bathroom without fear of what might happen and just let go and enjoy the start of my holiday.

Northampton UK

Contact Us

If you would like discuss your issue with me in more detail, you can chat with me in confidence using the Book A Call button above.


This is a no-obligation service and will help identify if we can work together.