In Rapid Transformational Therapy we use hypnosis to uncover the root cause of an issue by regressing the client back to a memory connected to it.
For example, if a client is struggling with anxiety, the regression will involve going back to a time in their life when the flight, flight or freeze response was activated. This enables us to look over what was occuring and to see what beliefs the client was picking up at the time.
It’s important to know during this process, the client isn’t going back to relive what was occuring, but to review it as the adult they are. A bit like watching it back on a video rather than being in the scene. We repeat this 2 or 3 more times to build a clearer picture of belief patterns and thought processes.
Each client is uniquely different therefore the next stage is a bespoke experience where other therapy tools are used. This may be NLP (neuro-linguistic programming,) CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy,) psychotherapy and neuroscience.
Using these tools whilst in a subconscious state like during hypnotherapy, has powerful transformative effects that can be experienced immediately after the 1st session. Depending on the issue being presented, it may take up to 3 sessions for results to fully show, especially in cases of complex PTSD.
If you have an issue you would like to chat about in complete confidence, you can either click the ‘BOOK A CALL‘ button or use the message form below.