The ‘People Pleaser’

If your childhood environment was hostile or emotionally unstable, you may have learned to regulate your nervous system by attending to other peoples needs above your own. This comes across in adulthood as ‘keeping the peace’ rather than speaking up because the stress of conflict or confrontation feels worse than saying how you feel. You… Continue reading The ‘People Pleaser’

What is regression?

In Rapid Transformational Therapy we use hypnosis to uncover the root cause of an issue by regressing the client back to a memory connected to it. For example, if a client is struggling with anxiety, the regression will involve going back to a time in their life when the flight, flight or freeze response was… Continue reading What is regression?

How Does Hypnotherapy Work?

It works by altering brainwaves into a deeply relaxed state which feels very similar to meditation. It’s an effective way of accessing the subconscious mind to offer helpful and beneficial solutions to your thinking. The subconscious mind is always switched on and is recording everything you do throughout your life. It knows what you think… Continue reading How Does Hypnotherapy Work?

Living Free From Anxiety

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